Ant is definitely worth to take a look at. I'm using it to make my war-
file. After that i have to upload/copy it to webapps-folder -
deploying complete!

On 1 Apr., 19:42, tetsuo <> wrote:
> try using the jboss as tools you can download them in eclipse via
> "software update" maybe that link helps 
> you
> after the restart of eclipse you can use another view, where you can
> bind the tomcat server and deploy your stuff (hot or not) anyhow, try
> to spend a minute on the ant, it helps you to pack it all together in
> a war file (like eclipse is doing it for you ) but independently from
> the eclipse configs ;) so every can do that for you, if your once
> configured the build.xml
> haphe phun
> On 1 Apr., 19:36, Fabrício Cabral <> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I'm using Eclipse Ganymede (latest), JDK 6 update 13, Tomcat 6.0.18
> > and GWT 1.5.3.
> > So, I'm looking for the easier way to deploy a GWT application to Tomcat
> > usint Eclipse IDE. If I use the projectCreator/applicationCreator commands,
> > I can't do the Export -> WAR file, because Eclipse doesn't recognize the
> > project as a Dynamic Web Project.
> > I've tryed use the Cypal Studio 1.0 and gwt-tooling plugins but they have
> > several bugs and don't do what I want.
> > So, does anyone know what is the easier way to deploy a GWT application
> > to a Tomcat 6 using Eclipse IDE?
> > Thanks in advance,
> > --fx
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