Thanks for the correction on text-align.  Though, that still doesn't
work for me.
I've tried the float attribute.  It doesn't seem to have an affect.

I should also clarify that I'm trying to right align an image on top
of an existing panel.  That is why I was originally playing with the
PopupPanel.  I've toyed with the AbsolutePanel, but that only aligns
with the left and is even less functional when it comes to re-sizing.

On Apr 2, 8:43 am, alan m <> wrote:
> FWIW the CSS syntax is "text-align:right;"
> You could also try "float:right;" depending on what else is going on
> in the layout.
> hth
> Alanj
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 4:23 PM, cj <> wrote:
> > Thanks.  I was hoping to avoid handling resize events.
> > All I want to do is align an image or text along the right side of a
> > panel.  With straight HTML and CSS this can easily be done by using
> > the align: right; style.  With GWT, I can align things with the left
> > side just fine.  The set position method aligns with top and left.
> > There doesn't seem to be support for aligning with the right side
> > (unless listeners are implemented).  This is a fundamental capability
> > of HTML that I figured would be in GWT.  I wanted to make sure that it
> > isn't part of GWT before I try implement a workaround.
> > By the way, searching for aligning with the right side returns
> > virtually nothing.  There are many results on listening for resize
> > events, but I'm not looking for a hackish workaround.  I'm looking for
> > the basic HTML capability of aligning with the right side.  Is the
> > capability to aligning on the right side in GWT?
> > On Apr 1, 11:15 pm, "alex.d" <> wrote:
> >> Well, once set, the position of the popup doesn't change by itself
> >> when the window is resized. Why should it? You have to listen to the
> >> "resize of window"-event and set the position of the popup manually.
> >> Don't remeber the exact code lines - but you'll find plenty of
> >> examples in this user group - just use search ;-)
> >> On 2 Apr., 01:04, WebDude <> wrote:
> >> > Is it possible to align a PopupPanel with the right side of the window
> >> > or the right side of a panel?
> >> > I know that it could be done by getting the size of the window and
> >> > setting the position of the PopupPanel based on that.  However, if
> >> > window is re-sized, the popup won't move with the re-size.  This would
> >> > be a simple "align: right" style attribute in CSS, but it gets ignored
> >> > every time that I try to use it with a PopupPanel.
> >> > Thanks
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