Hi Gugle,

yes, you need to make a <module>.gwt.xml file. you will then probably
need to specify the source path in it - that can be as simple as:

    <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/>
    <!-- inherit any other GWT modules your library uses -->
    <source path="src"/>  // or whatever

so "src" (whatever) specifies your module source code location
relative to the <module>.gwt.xml file itself in the jar. Then all you
have to do is inherit the new module in your main GWT application
gwt.xml file and make sure its jar is in the classpath for the GWT
compilation. The GWT compiler will find the <module>.gwt/xml file
first, then follow the source path instruction to find the .java


On Apr 4, 5:28 pm, Gugle <gugle.ru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to build a small GWT library of my own to implement a new
> widget. I have created a jar file with the java classes I've written.
> I added this jar file to my classpath in Eclipse and I can access
> these classes from my Eclipse project without any compilation errors.
> For e.g., I have a class 'A' which uses class 'B' which I've developed
> as part of my library. This class compiles fine in Eclipse, but when I
> try to do a GWT compilation using com.google.gwt.dev.GWTCompiler to
> get the JS files generated, I get an error indicating that the class
> 'B' cannot be found, even though the jar file is in classpath in the
> compile command.
> Can someone advise me on what all should be added to the jar file if I
> need to publish it as a generic GWT library? What all should I define
> in my 'libraryname'.gwt.xml file and where should it be placed??
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