On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Ian Petersen <ispet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Isn't GWT released under the Apache license?  I don't think it's
> possible for GWT to violate the GPL.  Of course, I'm not a lawyer....
Yes it s released as Apache.  Of course it's possible for it to
violate the GPL (it doesn't as far as OI'm aware, but it is possible).
 This is especially unlikely considering the amount of visibility of
the GWT project & I'm sure that lawyer's have vetted the licensing

Full source code access, BTW, is available at
> Ian
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:27 PM, allan <allan1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> LGPL/GPL have the obligation to provide source with any binary
>> distributions. Source can be provided directly with the binaries or in
>> an offer, made available to the public for 3 years.
GWT is not LGPL or GPL so that doesn't apply.  AFAIK, they also don't
make use of any LGPL or GPL code - do you have any examples of this?

>> You cannot fulfill the obligation by pointing to a 3rd party download
>> site for the source.  Go ask Cisco and others who have had to comply
>> with this requirement.
They are not pointing to a 3rd party download site anywhere - if you
don't know, Google owns the copyright to GWT & also hosts the GWT
project on Google code (along with other projects).  As the copyright
owners of the code, they can do whatever they like (copyright holders
can obviously violate the terms of their license since their not going
to prosecute themselves).

>> GWT/Google provides neither an offer or the source.
GWT provides the source.
>> Not only is Google in violation but I, or any one redistributing GWT,
>> will be violating LGPL as well.  I will have to separately provide the
>> source any time I distribute GWT.
Please explain to me how the LGPL applies here - in particular, what
pieces of code are covered under this license.  Not to mention that
all of the user-distributable stuff comes with source  in the jars by
design because the compiler needs them for compilation , I don't even
see how this applies unless you were trying to distribute the compiler
(which again you still can even without the source).

>> GWT package should include the source code for any LGPL components.
Please enumarate any LGPL components, let alone the ones that don't
come with source.  BTW, if you don't modify the LGPL components,
pointing to the original project is sufficient (IANAL, so I could very
well be wrong on this).  Not sure what the behaviour is with GPL (but
I'm pretty sure there you would have to provide the original source as
well - a link wouldn't be enough).
>> How does one get Google GWT project managers to be aware of this issue?
If there are any real issues, they can be made aware, but there's no
point disturbing them with this nonsense (although they probably
monitor this list anyways).

>> >
> >

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