1) That's the local copy on the remote server, right?
2) You could always be sneaky :D.  I wonder if a Button.click() would bypass
the blocker - my guess being now as that would be a flaw in the
popup-blocker.  One way though would be to do something like in the async
callback, display some kind of clickable message on the screen informing the
user it's ready - they hit ok, you display the doc, bypassing the
adblocker.  And you should know, at least with IE & FF, whether or not it's
a popup-blocker issue as the information bar should appear.
3).  I think he meant can you actually hit the file by entering the address
in the browser (not if the string looked OK).
4)  Like he said, it's not the issue - just cleaner programming style.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:27 AM, ffs1985 <ffs1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi sorry, here is the thing, inside my application an user could
> upload documents. Then in some other time if he wants to see any of
> this documents he select it from a table and click on a view button on
> the selected row. There the AsyncCallback that I've wrote is called,
> this makes a local copy of the file in the machine and returns the
> path where this local copy was saved.
> So now that i wrote some context, I will try to give more information:
> 1) pdfLink is the path were that local copy of the document is saved.
> 2) Yes but the thing is that I can't do it outside the callback
> because I must be sure that the file is already created and also the
> callback is what returns to me that local url where the file is.
> Unless I sincronize the asyncronic call but I don't know how to do
> that.
> 3) I'm sure that the link its correct because just for be sure i test
> to show it in an alert message and it's ok.
> 4) I will try with generics but I don't think it's the problem because
> this should work on previous versions that doesn't support java 5.
> Thanks for the help, any suggestions will be very helpful
> Federico.
> On Apr 7, 10:13 am, Jason Essington <jason.essing...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > O.K.
> >
> > 1) what is pdfLink? is that supposed to be link?
> > 2) if you have any kind of Popup blocker, attempting to open a window
> > from the callback will fail. if you want to open a window, it has to
> > happen as a direct result of a user action (onClick, etc)
> > 3) if link is a path to a filesystem file are you sure it is correct?
> > (this is sneaky, but just might work)
> >
> > 4) Technically not causing a problem but, use generics.
> >
> > AsyncCallback<String> cb = new AsyncCallback<String>{
> >    public void onSuccess(String result) ...
> >
> > }
> >
> > -jason
> >
> > On Apr 7, 2009, at 5:04 AM,ffs1985wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi I'm trying to make a function that let the user download a file
> > > from my application and see it. I could copy the file from server to a
> > > local root but when I've tried to open it, does it work on hosted mode
> > > but in web mode fails always, no matter what browser I try(IE 7,
> > > Firefox and Chrome).
> > > My code is the next one:
> >
> > > private void openDocument(String documentName) {
> > >            final ManagerExportAsync manejador =
> ManagerExport.Util.getInstance
> > > ();
> > >            AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(){
> > >                    String link;
> > >                    public void onSuccess(final Object result) {
> > >                              link = (String)result;
> > >                              Window.open(pdfLink,"_blank","");
> > >                    }
> > >                    public void onFailure(Throwable caught){}
> > >                    };
> >
> > >            manejador.openDocument("User",userId,
> documentName,callback);
> > >    }
> >
> > > The String link result is something like this "file///:C:/test.jpg"
> > > I don't know what it's wrong. I read somewhere that the problem could
> > > be that I'm calling the Window.open inside the callback but I really
> > > don't know what is wrong coul someone give me a hand?
> >
> > > Any suggestions?
> > > Thanks!
> > > Federico.
> >

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