Hi guys, would like to follow up on this one. Do you have any ideas?
Thanks a lot. :)

On Apr 2, 6:47 pm, Mark RG Itol <markr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am using GWT's Treepanel and I need to set different icons for my
> TreeNodes.
> I tried using TreeNode.setIconCls(String) but it doesn't seem to work.
> My style names are contained in a CSS file and I am also using these
> style names
> in setting the icons of menu items (using setIconCls()) and they work
> (the icons appear on the menu items).
> Below are some code snippets:
> Java:
> TreeNode configNode = new TreeNode("+ New");
> configNode.setUserObject(-1L);
> configNode.setIconCls("new");
> parentNode.appendChild(configNode);
> CSS:
> .new    {background-image:url(../images/payroll/new.png);}
> I don't know what I'm missing here -- the codes I've seen in the GWT
> demo are using the same implementation (setIconCls).
> Thank you in advance. :)
> Best regards,
> Mark
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