package vCarePortal.client;

import java.sql.Date;


public interface DiscussionBoardService extends RemoteService {

        public Forum[] getForums(int forumAccessLevel);

        public Topic[] getTopics(int forumID, int topicAccessLevel);

        public Thread[] getThreads(int topicID, int threadAccessLevel);

        public ThreadReply[] getDiscussionPosts(int threadID);

        public Contributor getUser(String password, String userID);

        public int countThreads(int topicID);

        public int countThreadReplies(int threadID);

        public String[] getLatestThreadReply (int threadID);

        public String getImageURL (String imageID);

        public void createForum(String forumName, String forumDescription,
String userID, int accessLevel);

        public void modifyForum (int forumID, String forumName, String
forumDescription, int accessLevel);

        public void deteleForum (int forumID);

        public void createTopic (String topicTitle, String topicDescription,
int topicAccessLevel, String creatorID, int forumID);

        public void modifyTopic(int topicID, String topicName, String
topicDescription, int topicAccessLevel);

        public void deteleTopic (int topicID);

        public void addThread (String threadTitle, String threadDesc, int
threadAccessLevel, int threadCreatorID, int topicID);

        public void modifyThread(int threadID, String threadTilte, String
threadDescription, int threadAcessLevel);

        public void deleteThread(int threadID);

        public void addThreadReply(int threadID, int replierID, Date
replyTimestamp, String replyContent);

        public void modifyThreadReply(int threadReplyID, Date
modifyTimestamp, String replyContent);

        public void deleteThreadReply(int threadReplyID);

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