I have this problem too !
I am trying the Java-SDK for AppEngine which contains GWT 1.6.4.

On 8 Apr., 11:32, jeremyprioux <jeremypri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was using 1.5 and Eclipse for my project and it worked fine (with
> some home made compiled script).
> As I wanted to upgrade to the last version, I installed the new
> Eclipse gwt plugin and created a new project.
> I think I succeed to import my 5 or 6 modules of my old project, as
> they are recognized while I want to use the "compile" tool from the
> gwt eclipse plugin.
> But... I can't compile, I've got an error with the very first module,
> something like :
> Compiling module fr.xxxx.client.accueil
>    Computing all possible rebind results for
> 'fr.xxxx.client.site.tab.accueil.HomeTabEntryPoint'
>       Rebinding fr.xxxx.client.site.tab.accueil.HomeTabEntryPoint
>          Checking rule <generate-with
> class='com.google.gwt.user.rebind.ui.ImageBundleGenerator'/>
>             [ERROR] Unable to find type
> 'fr.xxxx.client.site.tab.accueil.HomeTabEntryPoint'
>                [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made
> this type unavailable
>                [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
> module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not
> be adding its source path entries properly
> I only inherit the com.google.gwt.user.User module, I verified that
> 'fr.xxxx.client.site.tab.accueil.HomeTabEntryPoint' is right too (and
> in the directory src, which is the source folder), and gwt-user and
> gwt-dev are part of my librairies in my build path.
> I must have forgot something so thank you for helping me !

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