Thanks for the response.  I tried this but am still getting an error.
What is in your platform-libs zip?

On Apr 8, 8:33 am, Arthur Kalmenson <> wrote:
> Do you have "<profiles>" in your POM? It looks something like this:
>         <profiles>
>                 <profile>
>                         <id>gwt-dev-windows</id>
>                         <properties>
>                                 <platform>windows</platform>
>                         </properties>
>                         <activation>
>                                 <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>
>                                 <os>
>                                         <family>Windows</family>
>                                 </os>
>                         </activation>
>                 </profile>
>                 <profile>
>                         <id>gwt-dev-mac</id>
>                         <properties>
>                                 <platform>mac</platform>
>                         </properties>
>                         <activation>
>                                 <os>
>                                         <family>mac</family>
>                                 </os>
>                         </activation>
>                 </profile>
>                 <profile>
>                         <id>gwt-dev-linux</id>
>                         <properties>
>                                 <platform>linux</platform>
>                         </properties>
>                         <activation>
>                                 <os>
>                                         <name>Linux</name>
>                                 </os>
>                         </activation>
>                 </profile>
>         </profiles>
> Your gwt-dev dependency would look like this:
>                 <dependency>
>                         <groupId></groupId>
>                         <artifactId>gwt-dev</artifactId>
>                         <version>${gwtVersion}</version>
>                         <classifier>${platform}-libs</classifier>
>                         <type>zip</type>
>                         <scope>provided</scope>
>                 </dependency>
> Regards,
> --
> Arthur Kalmenson
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Marley <> wrote:
> > I have a GWT project which I have been developing on my Windows XP
> > laptop.  An older desktop was laying around and I convinced my boss to
> > let me have it.   Amazing how quickly the XP installation on it
> > disappeared!
> > I checked out the code on my Linux box but can not compile it via the
> > Maven GWT plug-in or run it from within eclipse now.  Maven blows up
> > and Eclipse gives me a:
> > Plug-in org.maven.ide.eclipse.jdt was unable to load class
> > org.maven.ide.eclipse.jdt.internal.launch.MavenRuntimeClasspathProvider.
> > An error occurred while automatically activating bundle
> > org.maven.ide.eclipse.jdt (602).
> > What do i need to do differently on Linux than Windows?  Can I develop
> > the same project on both platforms?
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