My java is is on localhost:8888 and my php is on localhost, is there
any way i can put the gwt code on localhost instead of localhost:8888?

On Apr 11, 7:08 am, Adam T <> wrote:
> could it be a "same origin policy" issue?
> It used to be the case that hosted mode was more relaxed on this
> restriction and this could catch you out when you moved to web mode
> where browsers strictly enforce the same origin policy.
> Simply put, the call to your PHP file must go to the same origin that
> the application has been served from - even the port numbers must be
> the same too, so "localhost" and "localhost:8080" are different in the
> eyes of singe origin policy.
> If you're 100% sure that the application is being served from
> "localhost" and your PHP call is only being made to "localhost" then
> maybe you could add some more logging code to your catch statement of
> the try/catch block surrounding the request builder to see what is
> happening.
> //Adam
> On 10 Apr, 18:43, ""
> <> wrote:
> > Hi, my applciation works fine in hosted mode, but not in web mode.  It
> > compiles with no errors.
> > When I click a label in my app, it does this requestbuilder call to a
> > php file on a wamp distro at //localhost/:
> >         public void onClick(Widget sender) {
> >                 urlString = ((Element)descripNode).getAttribute("href");
> >                 descripString = 
> > ((Element)descripNode).getAttribute("description");
> >                 CALL TO METHOD--->phpRequest(urlString);
> >         }
> > public void phpRequest(String myurlString){
> >         String url = "http://localhost/term_php_extraction.php?url="; +
> > myurlString;
> >         RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,
> > URL.encode(url));
> >         // etc etc etc..........
> > This works in hosted mode, but in web mode, it does nothing,
> > Can anyone please help?
> > Thanks,
> > Scott.
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