Thank you very much, Jeff !

This solution have been right.


On Apr 13, 9:13 pm, Jeff Chimene <> wrote:
> On 04/13/2009 03:05 AM, carlesla wrote:> Thanks a lot, Vitali.
> > You're rihgt : webAppCreator creates the eclipse project , and it
> > doesn't need  -ecllipse option like in applicationCreator.
> > The only problem now is I would like import the Showcase sample, but
> > webAppCreator command doesn't accept 'Showcase' because it  does not
> > appear be a valid fully-qualified Java class name. ( I've tried this
> > command : webAppCretaor Showcase -ignore
> > )
> > thanks a lot
> > carles
> I just tried this on Eclipse 3.4
> 1) Create a project named "Showcase"
>      file > new > project
> 2) Import the Showcase files
>      right-click on the project name
>  > Import
>  > File System
>  > From Directory (browse to your eclipse samples installation)
>  > Showcase (select the directory in the left panel)
>  > Into folder (Showcase should be the default value)
> This will import the source into your workspace. Use build.xml to build
> the project. The build will fail as the gwt-servlet.jar is in a shared
> directory which doesn't get brought into the project via this method.
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