Very true; when I use InlineHyperlink it does render without a div:
<span class="gwt-InlineHTML">You may </span><a href="#item1"
class="gwt-InlineHyperlink">Item 1</a><span class="gwt-InlineHTML"> now if
you like.</span>

That markup, when placed alone in a test page along with my stylesheets,
does show the proper spacing even in IE6. So I'm at a loss to explain why
the space between the link and the trailing span is collapsed when I render
it inside my gwt widget.

In any case, it's not a pressing matter as I've found a workaround (combine
a non-breaking space to force spacing, plus a regular space to allow
wrapping). Thanks for your help, I very much appreciate it.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:

> On 16 avr, 18:58, Jeoff Wilks <> wrote:
> > Good idea. I just tried InlineHyperlink but it has the same problem.
> Looking
> > at the 1.6 source code I see no behavioral differences in
> InlineHyperlink,
> > other than a different primary style name (which probably defaults the
> style
> > to display: inline).
> The key is actually the super(null) call which, in Hyperlink, will use
> the anchor (<a>) as the widget's element instead of wrapping it in a
> <div> (standard Hyperlink behavior). There's no "default style" for
> widgets (except if you use one of the provided themes, I personnaly
> don't).
> >

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