You contradict yourself.  A memory leak by definition does not display a
constant memory usage - *the* defining characteristic is that memory used
keeps increasing.  What you are describing is heavy memory usage & it is
consistent across browsers.

Thus you have a problem with your application - either it actually does need
that much memory, or you are doing some caching of objects somewhere and
never freeing that cache.

Without the code for your app or even knowing what it does, all I can
recommend is you first use Firebug to profile your code to find the heavy
CPU usage to track down what exactly is causing it - that might help you
find where you have heavy memory usage.

There's also the $199 tool that claims to be able to profile your JS memory
usage for you (I've never used it & couldn't find any free alternatives

There's a free tool for IE memory leak detection ( but that
probably won't help you as what you have described is not a leak.

On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 6:20 PM, mike177 <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have built a very large, complex GWT site and it works great in FF,
> Chrome, and Safari (and with limited testing we seem to be ok in IE8
> too).  IE7, though, is hit or miss.  I originally thought that our
> performance issues were all being caused by IE7's poor JS engine, but
> I have started to believe that we have a memory leak issue too.  After
> upgrading to GWT 1.6 to see if there was anything there that would fix
> the problem, I did some testing and found the following results:
> IE7
> When performing heavy tasks:
> * CPU usage :  95-100% (will stick for 10 to 20 seconds sometimes),
> * RAM usage :  55% to 70% (most of the time).
> * the one trait that is not stereotypical of a memory leak, though, is
> that our site does not progressively get worse ultimately resulting in
> the browser freezing.  Instead, it gets bad quickly (after 1-2 minutes
> of use) and then stays at this poor level until you quit the site.  Go
> figure???
> All Other Browsers
> When performing heavy tasks
> * CPU usage : 50-75%
> * RAM usage :  < 50%
> So, we seem to have most of the stereotypical indicators of a leak in
> IE7 and unfortunately we will have to live with IE7 for another couple
> years (not to mention IE6).
> Does anyone have any thoughts on how to find, isolate, and fix memory
> leaks specific to IE7 in GWT code?
> Below are some of the resources I have dug up.  I did not have much
> luck looking for GWT specific information so I am leveraging whatever
> I can find.
> Many thanks for your thoughts and opinions.
> Regards,
> Mike
> --------------
> While these artcles not GWT specific, lots of information can be
> gleaned from them:
> *
> *
> There is a JS memory leak detector for IE here:
> *
> Of course, this just confirms that you have a leak, which we do.
> >

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