> Why would anyone want to use this ORM when theres hibernate ?
Check the author name of that project!

Nevertheless, good job!

On hibernate: After using hibernate for years, we are seriously
considering other options like toplink essentials, cayenne or even
ibatis. I think we should remove the blind fold and start using
whatever makes sense for a specific problem domain.

Rakesh Wagh

On Apr 22, 3:11 am, mP <miroslav.poko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why would anyone want to use this ORM when theres hibernate ?
> Hibernate has lots of additional features, caching, different fetch
> strategies, tooling, the list goes on etc none of which are mentioned
> in the wiki..
> The main page doesnt mention has this package solves the detached
> enhanced object problem so many people have raised questions and
> discussed in thsi forum....Does this lib solve that problem - if so
> please elaborate...
> On Apr 21, 4:16 pm, Jim <jim.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I modified the GWT mail sample distributed with GWT. The mail sample
> > can retrieve emails from HSQLDB and update contacts in the database. I
> > use the following features - Spring IOC and Spring AOP transaction,
> > Dreamsource ORM. You can lauch <a href="http://www.leeonsoft.com/mail/
> > Mail.html">this application</a>. The source code is available 
> > fromhttp://dreamsource-orm.googlecode.com/files/mail_1.0.0_04202009.jar.
> > You need Dreamsource ORM source code that is also available 
> > fromhttp://dreamsource-orm.googlecode.com/files/dreamsource2_0_1_04202009....
> > Dreamsource ORM is making big difference in developing GWT
> > application. Any feedback is welcome.
> > Jim Xie
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