To restrict the movement of a widget inside another. Seeing gwt's
development from its beginning till now, do you think deprecated
classes would not work anymore on next versions of GWT ?

On 22 abr, 22:59, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On 22 avr, 20:49, Kelo <> wrote:
> > Hi people,
> >     I used mouseListeners.fireMouseMove(this,x,y) on onBrowserEvent
> > (Event event) to fire this kind of event and modified x and y.
> >     I would like to know how to set x and y when I firing an event on
> > 1.6 :
> >         addDomHandler(new MouseMoveHandler() {
> >                                 public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent 
> > event) {
> >                                           int x = <new value>;
> >                                           int y = <new value>;
> >                                           fireEvent(event); // how can I 
> > set x and y to modify its
> > original values ?
> >                                 }
> >                         },MouseMoveEvent.getType());
> > I'll appreciate any help.
> Have a look at
> and, I believe
> they'll be helpful.
> But may I ask why (you think) you need such a coordinate transform?
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