It seems to me that somewhere along the way you managed to get a linux  
version of GWT into your classpath. how did you install your plugins?  
did you somehow manage to get a linux version rather than an OS X  


On Apr 23, 2009, at 2:55 PM, Rob Tanner wrote:

> On Apr 23, 1:33 pm, Rajeev Dayal <> wrote:
>> If you're on a Mac and you're using GWT, you must use JDK 1.5. To  
>> make sure
>> that ant is actually using your 1.5 JDK, can you set the JAVA_HOME
>> environment variable to point to the 1.5 JDK, and try re-running  
>> ant hosted?
> Through varios symlinks, I was already using 1.5.  But just to be
> sure, I took your suggestion and set  JAVA_HOME to /System/Library/
> Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home.  Alas, same error.
> The question in my mind is why does ant hosted complain about not
> being able find swt-pi-gtk-3062 since this is a Mac and it doesn't use
> gtk.  Shouldn't it be looking for a carbon library.  And yes, I'm
> using gwt-mac-1.6.4.
> -- Rob
> >

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