Thank you. I get it now.

On Apr 23, 9:56 pm, Adam T <> wrote:
> If this is client side code, you can't use as the code gets
> compiled to JavaScript - I'd suggest you read the documentation for
> GWT to get a feel of what you can and can't do, in particular what is
> included in the JRE Emulation for 
> GWT:
> You should also check you the RequestBuilder class which allows you to
> make calls to a server from your code, BUT, as this will be from a
> browser you will need to be aware of the Single Origin Policy - i.e.
> your code can only make a call back to the server from which it came.
> So in your case, if your GWT application is served from
> your would be ok, if not, then you can't.
> //Adam
> On 24 Apr, 04:41, satish <> wrote:
> > I am using GWT plugin for eclipse and trying to build an test
> > application to be deployed on app engine. I am relatively new to Java
> > and App Engine. I have import* statement declared but when I
> > run the program in hosted browser mode, I get the error - Line 5: The
> > import cannot be resolved. I don't get any error for
> > or java.util.ArrayList imports. What am i doing wrong? Thank you.
> > Here is the program. getJoke() method needs classes from
> > package;
> > import*;
> > import*;
> > import java.util.ArrayList;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > public class StockWatcher implements EntryPoint {
> >   private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel();
> >   private FlexTable stocksFlexTable = new FlexTable();
> >   private HorizontalPanel addPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
> >   private TextBox newSymbolTextBox = new TextBox();
> >   private Button addStockButton = new Button("Add");
> >   private Label lastUpdatedLabel = new Label();
> >   private ArrayList<String> stocks = new ArrayList<String>();
> >   private TextBox jokeTextBox = new TextBox();
> >   private Button getJokeButton = new Button("Get Joke");
> >   private HorizontalPanel jokePanel = new HorizontalPanel();
> >   /**
> >    * Entry point method.
> >    */
> >   public void onModuleLoad() {
> >     // Create table for stock data.
> >           stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 0, "Symbol");
> >           stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 1, "Price");
> >           stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 2, "Change");
> >           stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 3, "Remove");
> >           // Assemble Add Stock panel.
> >             addPanel.add(newSymbolTextBox);
> >             addPanel.add(addStockButton);
> >             //Assmeble Joke Panel
> >             addPanel.add(getJokeButton);
> >             addPanel.add(jokeTextBox);
> >             // Assemble Main panel.
> >             mainPanel.add(stocksFlexTable);
> >             mainPanel.add(addPanel);
> >             mainPanel.add(jokePanel);
> >             mainPanel.add(lastUpdatedLabel);
> >             // Associate the Main panel with the HTML host page.
> >             RootPanel.get("stockList").add(mainPanel);
> >             // Move cursor focus to the input box.
> >             newSymbolTextBox.setFocus(true);
> >          // Listen for mouse events on the Add button.
> >             addStockButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
> >               public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
> >                 addStock();
> >               }
> >             });
> >             // Listen for keyboard events in the input box.
> >             newSymbolTextBox.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() {
> >               public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) {
> >                 if (event.getCharCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) {
> >                   addStock();
> >                 }
> >               }
> >             });
> >          // Listen for mouse events on the getJoke button.
> >             getJokeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
> >               public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
> >                 getJoke();
> >               }
> >             });
> >           }
> >           /**
> >            * Add stock to FlexTable. Executed when the user clicks the
> > addStockButton or
> >            * presses enter in the newSymbolTextBox.
> >            */
> >           private void addStock() {
> >                     final String symbol = 
> > newSymbolTextBox.getText().toUpperCase
> > ().trim();
> >                     newSymbolTextBox.setFocus(true);
> >                     // Stock code must be between 1 and 10 chars that are 
> > numbers,
> > letters, or dots.
> >                     if (!symbol.matches("^[0-9a-zA-Z\\.]{1,10}$")) {
> >                       Window.alert("'" + symbol + "' is not a valid 
> > symbol.");
> >                       newSymbolTextBox.selectAll();
> >                       return;
> >                     }
> >                     newSymbolTextBox.setText("");
> >                  // Don't add the stock if it's already in the table.
> >                     if (stocks.contains(symbol))
> >                         return;
> >                  // Add the stock to the table.
> >                     int row = stocksFlexTable.getRowCount();
> >                     stocks.add(symbol);
> >                     stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 0, symbol);
> >                     // Add a button to remove this stock from the table.
> >                     Button removeStockButton = new Button("x");
> >                     removeStockButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
> >                       public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
> >                         int removedIndex = stocks.indexOf(symbol);
> >                         stocks.remove(removedIndex);
> >                         stocksFlexTable.removeRow(removedIndex + 1);
> >                       }
> >                     });
> >                     stocksFlexTable.setWidget(row, 3, removeStockButton);
> >                     // TODO Get the stock price.
> >   }
> >           private void getJoke() {
> >                   //jokeTextBox.setText("Joke Button Clicked");
> >                   try {
> >                           String message = URLEncoder.encode("joke", 
> > "UTF-8");
> >                     URL url = new URL("";);
> >                     HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)
> > url.openConnection();
> >                     connection.setDoOutput(true);
> >                     connection.setRequestMethod("POST");
> >                     OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter
> > (connection.getOutputStream());
> >                     writer.write("request=" + message);
> >                     writer.close();
> >                     if (connection.getResponseCode() ==
> > HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
> >                         // OK
> >                         
> > jokeTextBox.setText(connection.getResponseMessage());
> >                     } else {
> >                         // Server returned HTTP error code.
> >                         jokeTextBox.setText("Error");
> >                     }
> >                 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
> >                     // ...
> >                         jokeTextBox.setText("Error");
> >                 } catch (IOException e) {
> >                     // ...
> >                         jokeTextBox.setText("Error");
> >                 }
> >           }
> > }
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