Is it possible to remove this binding between Google AppEngine, Jetty, and
GWT.... and re-link the project back to tomcat ( such as the older method
before the eclipse plugin ) ? Besides having major memory issues within
hosted mode, the application is no longer functional due to a java socket
policy issue which occurs somewhere between the AppEngine loading the jdbc
class, Jetty handling the remote request, and GWT. I've tried just about
everything to fix this problem, and have pin-pointed the solution down to
either adding the security policy to the runtime securitymanager for
jetty/appengine, or having the jar resource available during hosted mode
runtime for either AppEngine or Jetty ( which seems to be a setting within
the jdoconfig, or some other area for the appengine ).  Google's jdoconfig
docs is limited for what I am searching for. I'm just... lost.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.



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