It makes more sense to me now, thanks everyone!

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 12:48 AM, Jason Essington

> The problem is that an object cannot exist in two locations at the
> same time ... Really, don't you wish you could be at the bar, at the
> same time you are at home fixing the dishwasher (you're happy, wife's
> happy)?
> The same applies to DOM your <div>|</div> cannot be in two places at
> once, you can create additional <div>s that look the same, but you
> can't put the same one in two places.
> So, the second time you menu.add(separator) it is automagically moved
> as that is easier than folding space so it can be in two places at once.
> -jason
> On May 1, 2009, at 4:12 AM, hezjing wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I want to create a menu contains hyperlinks, and looks like "About
> > us | Register | Login".
> >
> > Here is my code:
> >
> >         Hyperlink about = new Hyperlink("About us", "about");
> >         Hyperlink register = new Hyperlink("Register", "register");
> >         Hyperlink login = new Hyperlink("Login", "login");
> >
> >         // create a label to show the separator "|"
> >         Label separator = new Label("|");
> >         separator.addStyleName("menu");
> >
> >         HorizontalPanel menu = new HorizontalPanel();
> >         menu.add(about);
> >
> >         // add the label "|" the 1st time
> >         menu.add(separator);
> >         menu.add(register);
> >
> >         // add the label "|" the 2nd time
> >         menu.add(separator);
> >         menu.add(login);
> >
> >
> > The first label (or the separator) does not show up :-(
> > It seems that we cannot add a same label more than once.
> >
> > The label does nothing but merely to show the separators, do we have
> > other choice except to create a new label for every separator?
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Hez
> >
> > >
> >



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