Ah, that's not a bad idea actually. Using a regex that is… I might
actually try that.

I haven't actually looked at the compiler source yet, but I think I'll
do that tomorrow. I'll update if I come up with anything.

On 6 Maj, 22:00, Alyxandor <a.revolution.ultra.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is true,
> I was thinking of this later, and saw that in many cases, this COULD
> be done,
> And it can be done outside of the gwt compiler, if you like.
> Some fancy regexp to find functions with EXACT method bodies and
> renaming+deletion could potentially decrease file sizes dramatically,
> but only for Obfuscated code...  Possibly a fourth compiler option
> "PRODUCTION" which would do all the extra permutations for final
> builds, using text functions after the Java->JavaScript magic
> happens.  One look at the logic trees from the compiler is enough to
> scare a stone into cold sweat, so to me, it seems easier to just use
> RegExp; capture the argument names, back-reference them in the method
> bodies, create generic method signatures, search for equalities, and
> then replace them down to a minimum.
> If someone who actually works on the compiler has any input, I'd love
> to hear it.
> /Starring this issue now...
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