Hey, In GWT 1.6, you don't need to put files into your app's source
folder; instead, put it directly into the war folder.  In this way,
the HostedMode server will know to update when the file changes, as
opposed to having to manually recompile the file every time you write
to it.  Consider using a static String to point to your local
harddrive location of the war folder, and just change this string to
your external server's filestructure when you compile a production

If you like, you could even use a deferred binding property,
isLocalHost to automatically change this string...

        <define-property name="isLocalHost" values="yes,no"/>

        <property-provider name="isLocalHost"><![CDATA[
                if (window.location.indexOf('localhost')==-1)return 'no';
                return 'yes';

Then, just do deferred binding on this property to replace your file
pointer...    ...Oh wait, you need this server side.

Just use String fileHome = request.getDecodedRequestURI().contains
("localhost")? "/home/localuname/workspace/proj/war/" : "/home/
serveruname/public_html/"; Or likewise.  Who knows, maybe using war
instead of src folders will make getRealPath work too...
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