My beginning thoughts about Collaboration through links:

The question is, whats the best way to reference the entire
applications current state through a link? Of course, putting all the
parameters into the link is the answer, but is that really the best
way? An application has so many widgets and widgets that have widgets
with different parameters that make the view of entire application,
which wouldn't be pragmatic to set every parameter into a the link.
I'd like to think there is a better way to link into the applications
current state.

Why do I ask this. Because, I like to send a link of the current
applications state/view, to someone else so we can start from that
point and collaborate on what we are seeing.

I thought I would mention this to create conversation on this topic. I
haven't actually thought to deeply into how I would implement this
over an entire application. I will have to get adjusted into the new
event system before I approach this.

Something to chew on.
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