I was looking the Eclipse layout and somehow just thought it was in
WEB-INF.  You know how that goes, you press send and then hit yourself
in the forehead for being a dork.  It's in the war folder at the same
level as WEB-INF and the problem turned out to be a spelling error.


On May 20, 10:02 pm, Peter Ondruška <peter.ondru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anything you put to WEB-INF folder will not be served by the web
> server. That folder is for configuration files. Place css into root
> folder or any other folder.
> 2009/5/20, Rob Tanner <caspersg...@gmail.com>:
> > If I don't explicitly set a style for a TextBox widget, it picks up
> > the stylesheet .gwt-TextBox and .gwt-TextBox-readonly from the
> > standard.css file.  That's fine except that I want to customize it
> > using the css file in the WEB-INF folder which is where I set all my
> > custom styles (styles specific to a specif widget in a specific panel,
> > etc).  My understanding is that if I use the default style name, in
> > this case the two mentioned above, in my local css file, I would
> > override the default styles in standard.css.  But that does not seem
> > to be happening.  Is there a special trick to it?
> > Thanks,
> > Rob
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