The way to have dynamic internationalization is explained here:

On May 22, 9:44 am, Magius <> wrote:
> Sorry, I understand now it's a strong requirement for you.
> It's not an usual way of work and it's not strange that you found some
> problems.
> I haven't tried anything similar but I'll try to help a bit.
> In hosted mode GWT uses Java and has direct access to the files.
> In web mode the code is javascript and there are some Java specific
> things that don't work.
> When GWT compiles and found some special elements like
> internationalization, imagebundles, ... it calculates all the possible
> permutations. It think there's a js file for each permutation.
> You can check it looking for words of your translation in the js
> files, if you found there the translations then they are embedeed.
> And/or you could deploy the war without the property files. If it
> works then they are embedeed.
> On May 21, 11:59 am, Bhavik <> wrote:
> > Ok I will again try to explain you....
> > Yes I want to create dynamically new properties file. As you told that
> > I have to restart the server. It is ok. But it should work then.
> > Actually, my doubt is related to GWT that how GWT handles properties
> > file because as I told earlier that when I create a new file in
> > "HOSTED MODE IN GWT" - it creates a new properties file and then I
> > refresh my application. The newly created properties file WORKS on
> > change of locale. Consider this case as I created a file
> > "" for french in France OK.
> > Then I COMPILE/BROWSE the application, now when I create a new
> > properties file in the same deployment area say it as
> > "" for french in Canada. Both files have different
> > key/value pairs. I changed the locale to "fr_FR" it worked here. but
> > when i changed to "fr_CN" It did not work. I then restart the
> > application the whole application. Then tried in hosted mode as well
> > as compile/browse again. Thought the properties file with "fr_CN" did
> > not work, but the file is present in the deployment area.
> > Now, I deployed my application in Tomcat, there too I created a new
> > properties file say it "" - for hindi language in
> > India OK. Then I checked it by changing the locale to first "fr_FR" it
> > worked, but in "fr_CN" and "hi" (Hindi) it did not worked. So I
> > restarted the Tomcat server. Then also I changed the locales but did
> > not succeeded to change the key/value pairs. The last
> > is also dynamically created in the tomcat deployment
> > directory where all other properties file and other files reside.
> > Though I did not succeeded.
> > So my doubt is that - how GWT handles properties file, after compiling
> > the project. Does it access the properties file and then read the key/
> > value pairs or it stores the key/value pair somewhere while compile.
> > If it is so then it is a BUG in GWT while handling properties files.
> > I hope you understood my problem now. Please help me out.
> > Thanks and Regards,
> > - Bhavik.
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