Have a look at Google Gears it should be able to solve all your issues.

2009/5/25, vijay <mymail.vi...@gmail.com>:
> HI All,I am working on a application using GWT and AppEngine (Java with
> datastore) , got stuck in design phase.
> The application need to take input from barcode reader and will fill up
> some text boxes with information corresponding to the barcode. You can
> assume it to be a bookstore selling application which can fill up the book
> details like book name and  price from the barcode when preparing the bill.
> Now my worries are:
> 1. As the information can change on server by admin the individual seller
> should be in sync with server. but it would be very time taking if for every
> barcode readed I send a request to server so I think we should store the
> information on client side and keep it in sync with the server as the
> changes are not expected to be very often.
> 2. If I keep all information on client side it is not possible to keep all
> barcodes information in memory as they can be in huge numbers may be
> millions, is there a effective way to keep all information on client side or
> any other way instead of storing it on client side.
> 3. Also i don't want my user to loose any information if there is any
> disruption in internet connectivity.so can i use something like a offline
> mode which will store all information locally if internet is not connected
> and as soon as connection is there it gets sync with server similar to java
> web start.
> I am beginner, it would be great if you guys can tell me about any others
> issues I should be aware of while developing such application with GWT and
> AppEngine.
> Thanks,
> Vijay
> >

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