Hi again,

I've done some tests and it seems promising. The problem I have is
that the get method sometimes returns primitive types (integers)
rather than numbers, an old Java problem...
I bet others have run into this problem

On Jun 5, 11:18 am, ziglionz <zigli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for your ideas. Definitely wrapping would be needed.
> A tough problem wih databinding is the lack of reflection in order to
> generate getters and setters. That currently wouldn't work with
> overlay types.
> But I've had a simple idea: we could have a generic get(property) and
> set(property) on the overlay type, therefore removing the need for
> reflection. What do you reckon?
>         public class NativeMibObject extends JavaScriptObject
>         {
>                 public NativeMibObject(){}
>                 // JSNI methods
>                 public final native Object getProperty( String prop ) /*-{ 
> return
> this[prop]; }-*/;
>                 public final native void setProperty( String prop, Object val 
> ) /*-
> { this[prop] = val; }-*/;
>         }
> On May 22, 9:39 am, Sumit Chandel <sumitchan...@google.com> wrote:
> > Hi ziglionz,
> > The ability to cast an overlay type to an interface like Binding would
> > require the interface itself to also be an overlay type (via the
> > JavaScriptObject.cast() method call). Since the interface itself isn't an
> > overlay type, and a custom overlay type can't implement it because it does
> > indeed require an implementation for methods declared in the interface,
> > perhaps you should consider the approach below.
> > You can define a wrapping class over the overlay type that can implement the
> > Binding interface. The delegation to the overlay type does incur some
> > indirection in code, but in the compiled result, there shouldn't be any
> > overhead to pay since the compiler will inline the calls.
> > Hope that helps,
> > -Sumit Chandel
> > On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 6:33 PM, ziglionz <zigli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've been looking for a databinding framework for GWT and the two most
> > > active ones appear to be the Gwittir and the UFacekit projects.
> > > My question is: can they work at all with overlay types?
> > > I suspect no, due to the limitations of JavaScriptObject
> > >http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/OverlayTypes
> > > One of those limitations is: "overlay types cannot implement
> > > interfaces that define methods".
> > > That prevent overlay types from implementing the Bindable interface,
> > > that is required for Gwittir.
> > > But one can always add methods to an overlay type without explicitely
> > > implementing an interface.
> > > I wonder if the compiler would allow us to circumvent the above
> > > limitation by forcing a casting of an overlay type to (Binding)...
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