Evaluating user input on the client side and checking for "<script>",
etc.  tags is a good practice, however, there are ways to bypass such
input validation. So the next best line of defense is to validate/re-
validate on the server side where the GWT RPC call terminates. I am
wondering what solutions exists at that end.
-- Thomas

On Jun 11, 5:20 pm, Jeff Chimene <jchim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06/11/2009 04:18 PM, tamsler wrote:
> > I am trying to figure out what the best way is to handle JavaScript
> > injection cases. Since any client side input validation handling
> > doesn't truly prevent one from injecting JS such as using tools like
> > Firebug to re-post RPC calls etc.
> > I am wondering if anybody has attempted to intercept JS injection on
> > the server side by "scanning" RPC calls . I could imagine using a
> > servlet filter to do this or or some other way.
> > Any ideas/feeback is greatly appreciated.
> It's a good question, but it's not really GWT related.
> You're talking about server-side code. The  JS code generated by GWT
> executes in the browser.
> I may be completely missing your point, but perhaps these articles may
> be 
> apropos:http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/articles/using_gwt_for_json_mashups...
> andhttp://code.google.com/webtoolkit/articles/put_your_gwt_app_on_facebo...
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