
There have been many approaches to securing GWT applications, I think it all depends on your application workflow. But an approach similar to yours that i'm used to follows:

- Create a servlet filter to filter requests for the GWT module servlets. Then in the doFilter() method do something like ...

       HttSession session = request.getSession(false);   // get the session attached to request
        if(session == null) {   // the case if client is not logged in
        } else {
            chain.doFilter(request, response);   // pass request on to the GWT servlets

- Next create a custom AsyncCallback handler for the client side wherein the onFailure() method does something like this ..

    void doFailure(Throwable t) {
        try {
            throw t;
        } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) {
            // this client code is not compatible with the server refresh the browser to download new one
        } catch (StatusCodeException e) {
            // the call didn't complete cleanly
            switch (e.getStatusCode()) {
                case 401:  // Authentication required; reload the whole page so server can enforce login
                    // do other tests or pass on to an abstract method so you can do more localized processing
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // shouldn't get here though ...
then you can use the custom AsyncCallback handler in other RPC requests of the application

However, this approach appears to require some application design issues
- the URL (especially the history tokens) you choose SHOULD be mapped to known application states, so that the application can appear to return to where it was before the Window.Location.reload() call.
- the host page of the GWT module SHOULD be placed behind a security constraint

This way i've been able to use container managed security and standard servlet security annotations in my application

Just another way of achieving the same result :-)


willemsl...@gmail.com wrote:
In my GWT application MyApp I'm using container managed security
(logon through html form with
action="" and input elements j_username and j_password).
Works fine except
when the application times out: the container doesn't allow the RPC
service to be executed anymore on the server, so it throws back the
html of the logon-form. But the client side RPC code has no 'solid'
way of detecting this.

Currently I've implemented it as follows: in the onFailure method,
check if it's an InvocationException, then check if it contains a bit
of html that's in the logon-page.
If yes, then redirect to the start page of my app.

AsyncCallback<Void> callback = new AsyncCallback<Void>()
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
if ( (caught instanceof InvocationException)
&& (caught.getMessage().contains("<html><head><title>MyApp
Logon</title></head>") ))

Is there a more proper way of doing this?



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