Hi Roman,

I've worked out a bit of hack to get this working for myself. It works well
enough for me right now, but if I had time I would do it properly.

Here's what you need to do:
* Duplicate the code from the com.google.gwt.dev.shell.jetty.JettyLauncher
class into your project. GWT ships with the sources, so it should be easy to
find this class. I called my duplicate class JettyRealmServletLauncher.

* Add the jetty-plus-6.1.1.jar to your project classpath. (I am using Maven
and used artifact org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-plus:6.1.1 with scope PROVIDED)

* In the start method in JettyRealmServletLauncher, locate the line that
says server.addConnector(connector), and add your realm configuration below,
in a similar manner to how you would do it in the jetty.xml file.

Mine looked like:
       JAASUserRealm realm = new JAASUserRealm();
       realm.setRoleClassNames(new String[] {
           "com.xxxxxx.login.RdbmsRole" });

Then, open up your GWT Web Application debug/run configuration in Eclipse
(Run|Debug Configurations) and go to the arguments tab, where you need to
add the following line:
-server com.xxxxx.client.JettyRealmServletLauncher
(Obviously you'll need to replace the FQCN with your own)

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any problems.

Ideally it would be great if the standard JettyLauncher that ships with GWT
could be passed a parameter for the jetty.xml configuration file from the
command line. It wouldn't be too hard to write an instance of
ServletContainerLauncher that does this.


On Apr 3, 5:47 pm, Roman <roman.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestions
>> I still wished it would be possible to use internal jetty server and
>> configure it to support HTTP authentication. It would make debugging
>> of the server code a lot easier.
>> -- Roman
>> On Apr 3, 5:33 pm, Vitali Lovich <vlov...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Cool trick I found on the web:
>> >
>> > Refreshes your CSS without reloading your page.  Pretty useful with
>> > GWT apps since refreshing them regularly can cause problems.
>> > On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 11:31 AM, rudolf michael <roud...@gmail.com>
>> > > if you changed the static files like .css, .html and others then yes
>> > > will need to re-deploy the war to see the changes in your hosted mod
>> > > browser.
>> > > But if you did change the .java files, then you will see the changes
on the
>> > > fly. means that no need to re-delpoy your war, just refresh your
hosted mode
>> > > browser.
>> > > regards,
>> > > ruds
>> > > On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Roman <roman.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > >> Thanks, for your reply.
>> > >> This would mean, that I could only debug the client code in Eclipse
>> > >> and that the war file needs to be rebuilt and deployed every time I
>> > >> change the server code, right?
>> > >> -- Roman
>> > >> On Apr 3, 5:00 pm, rudolf michael <roud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > >> > Hello,
>> > >> > You can always change your shell command params to point to any
>> > >> > Servlet container/app server.
>> > >> > i dont think that the Jetty server which comes with the toolkit
>> > >> > support
>> > >> > for such thing.
>> > >> > in you shell-cmd.bat, add the following:
>> > >> > com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell -noserver -port 8080
>> > >> > where 8080 is your app server that your war is hosted.
>> > >> > On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Roman <roman.g...@gmail.com>
>> > >> > > Hello
>> > >> > > In my web.xml file I'm using the following configuration to
>> > >> > > HTTP authentication for my app:
>> > >> > >  <security-constraint>
>> > >> > >    <web-resource-collection>
>> > >> > >      <web-resource-name>Demo Application</web-resource-name>
>> > >> > >      <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>> > >> > >    </web-resource-collection>
>> > >> > >    <auth-constraint>
>> > >> > >      <role-name>sol</role-name>
>> > >> > >    </auth-constraint>
>> > >> > >  </security-constraint>
>> > >> > >  <login-config>
>> > >> > >    <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
>> > >> > >    <realm-name>Demo authentication</realm-name>
>> > >> > >  </login-config>
>> > >> > > For web mode I have configured a suitable realm in my tomcat
>> > >> > > and got HTTP authentication working.
>> > >> > > Now I would like to use HTTP authentication also in hosted mode
>> > >> > > the embedded Jetty server (for debugging).
>> > >> > > Can anybody tell me how to proceed or help me to locate the
>> > >> > > configuration files for the embedded Jetty server?
>> > >> > > Thanks and regards,
>> > >> > > Roman

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