I thought I posted this last night, but I don't see it. Apologies if
this is a dupe.

I've tried to implement the command pattern using generics, but have
some hangups. You can see my code at



1) Too many parameters. It's just not pretty
2) I have to parameterize the RPCServiceAsync at the class level,
whereas I would like to parameterize at the method level. This is a
constraint of the compiler.
3) All my server-side code actually resides on the client side,
because of the aggressive nature of the GWT compiler. I would add my
voice again asking for a simple annotation or annotations like

on a class: @GWTIgnoreReference(ServerSideClass.class)
and/or a method: @GWTIgnoreMethod

I think there are many justifiable use cases for this type of thing,
and I can't think of any way it would decrease user experience. Does
anyone know if this is a planned feature? Any comments/suggestions on
how to remediate the problems above that I don't know of? Ray Ryan,
are you listening?


On Jun 25, 4:07 pm, Eric <erjab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 25, 5:12 pm, Herme Garcia <hgar...@peoplecall.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > After listening carefully Google IO's session from Ray Ryan about
> > "Best Practices For Architecting Your GWT App" :
> >http://code.google.com/intl/es-ES/events/io/sessions/GoogleWebToolkit...
> > He suggests acommandpatternimplementation for RPC calling (see
> > slides 21-25) they are using in Wave.
> Ray,
> If you're reading this, can you tell us if the full code for your
> contact
> manager is available anywhere?  Also, the second of the "Contact
> DIsplay UI"
> slides has the line
>     currentContactId = currentContactId;
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