I am new to GWT and I went through a couple of the tutorials on the
GWT website.  I've started using GWT to make a webapp just for fun,
and I one of the first things that I had difficulty with was styling
the application in its entirety.  I want to give the website a certain
look, but I also want it to be easy to change the style of the webapp
in the future, and maybe even dynamically while the app is running (so
that logged in users could each have their own personal style applied
to the website, for example).

I noticed on the UIObject javadoc it says "By convention, GWT style
names are of the form [project]-[widget]," so that, for example, the
default Button class name is "gwt-Button".  Is there a way to change
the [project] part of this name, so that, for example, I could change
all Button class names to, say, "my-Button" without having to call
setStyleName() on every Button individually?  If there is no way to do
this dynamically, is there at least a way to create my own GWT theme
so that I can reference in the Project.gwt.xml file, so if I want to
change the look and feel of my webapp later, I can do it by creating a
new stylesheet and changing one line in Project.gwt.xml rather calling
setStyleName() on every widget?

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