Weirdness one.

GWT code calls JSNI method which calls Java applet to retrieve a
String. Back in GWT, a .indexOf or .length or any function on the
variable which stores the applet String fails. Window.alert
("length="+variable.length()) shows function length() { [native
code] }, which is really exotic.

Reason: I inserted an alert(typeof variable) in GWT produced
JavaScript which shows that in FF+IE variable is a String, but in
Safari variable is an Object, and so are variables coming from the
applet+JSNI setup in my tests.

Fix: In JSNI, before returning the applets value just add it to an
empty string and you'll have it casted to a nice String (heh, now it
looks sooo easy! :-)

Would be nice from the GWT team: Some type consistance check in JSNI
variable pass, and cast when necessary, automagically generated

Weirdness two:

A method that does a is called after clicking on some GWT
object. Safari opens a new window (_blank is used).

The same method is called after the user types and selects some text
in a suggest box. It receives the same data, does the same things and
eventually fails to open a new window.

Reason: Safari considers the former a user action, but considers the
latter a page code action, may be some unwanted popup, so Safari
blocks it.

Fix: Select no popup blocking in Safari preferences, couldn't find a
better way to go :-(

Thanks for reading.

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