Hi All,

I am using Form based login in my GWT+Portal based application. To go
back to the user requested page after successfull login i am using
WASReqURL cookie set by Websphere.

Now currently i am using WAS WAS server. I tried in local m/c
also in unix server and at both place the server name is missing e.g.

If i tried to access a userdetail screen after page exipry then i am
forwarded to login page. Now after login i should be able to go to the
user detail screen but when i check the cookies it contains the
requested URL as:

http://:12721/test-portal-web/sec/userDetail.jsp?userid=122333 (check
the server name is missing)

where as i am expecting:


Am i missing any configuration or is it a bug from IBm or its
intentional from IBM due to some security reason??


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