If anyone used this functionality then please help me out.

On Jul 25, 10:58 am, priya <joshipriya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using gwt2swf jar for Flash Tag cloud widget.
> I am passing history token in my url of each tag.
> So, on click of each tag it goes to the onHistoryChanged() method when
> I am working in Firefox and Chrome.
> But in IE 7.0 and Safari when I click on any tag it first goes to
> onModuleLoad() method of entry point class.
> i.e. the application is loaded again.
> Following is the code for my Flash Tag Cloud widget:
> public void flashTagCloud()
> {
>         tagWidgetPanel = new VerticalPanel();
>         SWFWidget swfWidget = new SWFWidget("gikitagcloud.swf",
> "180px", "200px");
>         swfWidget.addParam("bgcolor", "#333333");
>         swfWidget.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
>         swfWidget.addParam("AllowScriptAccess", "always");
>         String urlString = GWT.getModuleBaseURL()
> +"#"+HistoryTokens.TAG_CLOUD_TOKEN;
>         strUrl += "<a href='"+urlString+"' style='font-size: 12pt;'
> class='tagLinkDiv'>TagName</a>";
>        String tagCloudEncodedStr = URL.encode(TAGS_START + strUrl +
>        swfWidget.addParam("flashvars", flashParameters + "tagcloud=" +
> tagCloudEncodedStr);
>        tagWidgetPanel.add(swfWidget);
>        initWidget(tagWidgetPanel);
> }
> I am not getting why this problem occurs?
> Is this problem of IE7.0 and Safari?
> Please help me for getting out of this problem.
> Thanks in advance.
> Priya.
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