Hi, I've tried to add gin DI to the project, but have got an error
below. I am using gwt 1.7.0 on linux + guice 2.0 + latest gin. I've
followed all steps in gin tutorial, but when tried to run my app have
got an exception. I could not understand what is wrong and where to
look for a solution.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

[ERROR] Failed to create an instance of
'ru.rchervot.sanasar.client.SearchModule' via deferred binding
java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
'ru.rchervot.sanasar.client.MyWidgetGinjector' (did you forget to
inherit a required module?)
        at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.GWTBridgeImpl.create(GWTBridgeImpl.java:
        at com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT.create(GWT.java:91)
        at ru.rchervot.sanasar.client.SearchModule.<init>(SearchModule.java:

SearchModule.java(SearchModule is my EntryPoint class) line 66:
        private final MyWidgetGinjector injector = GWT.create


public class MyWidgetClientModule extends AbstractGinModule {

  protected void configure() {


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