This is a hot topic for me at the moment and I'll come back to you
directly probably at the end of this coming week. Here's my interim
thoughts though.

I've been working on MVP over the last two weeks and don't think the
various patterns I know of (including (Ray Ryan's, Fowler, Greer, and
others) work very well for testing. I'm now using a variation I've
called MVP-Ci for the moment which is a cross between MVP and
Presentation Manager (see Fowler's web site).

Validation is defined in the PM, for the moment using JSR303
annotations (but I suspect this will evolve). The framework I'm
building (re-)evaluates the validity of fields as they are updated and
stores them as attributes of the fields. The View observes the PM and
can then update the screen accordingly as it wishes (i.e. any of the
three ways you've described).

How they are shown to the user is a matter of HCI. I don't know what
the research says but I know what I like. Left to me I think that the
Eclipse Java editor has got it right: small but apparent indicators
with longer descriptive messages easily available.
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