The answer is, of course.  The code is on the client, and even though
obscured, is JavaScript.  Using something like firebug or even editing
the JavaScript in the browser cache the logic of the client can be
altered.  Like any effort/reward system, it's a question of how much
it is worth to the user to do it.  If, for example, hacking the code
merely gains the user prestige by having a higher score then odds are
the effort of the hack is not worth it.  If, however, you attach some
monetary reward to high scorers then you've created an incentive that
may make the hack worth the effort.

Even in the absence of JavaScript, it is possible for the user to send
a forged packet on the network to send a higher score.  HTTPS would
pretty much stop this attack.  However, considering the two attacks,
hacking the JavaScript or messing with the JavaScript runtime
variables is a much simpler hack.

If you want to "raise the bar" just a bit on the hack -- possibly
making it not worth the user's time -- store the score on the client
in obscured format.  For example, don't keep the score in a simple
"int" variable, instead keeping it in a string in octal format
(Integer.toOctalString()) or other obscure base.  This will keep at
least a casual user from examining the runtime variables and easily
spotting the score to manipulate.

In general, the code is going to be difficult for the user to figure
out.  Examining/changing the runtime variable with something like
firebug is much easier.  If you take away that possibility by also
obscuring it, you'll probably eliminate all but the most determined
hacker.  Again, if there is a big incentive, someone will hack it.  If
not, they probably won't bother.


On Aug 2, 8:02 pm, asianCoolz <> wrote:
> Just curious on this, since gwt is javascrpt and i wonder possible to
> somehow when calling rpc method, inject invalid value into it? for
> example, gwt game that have setScore(..) method.   can elaborate on
> this?
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