On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 5:49 AM, Julia_HD<julia.tscherkasch...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> first sorry, if someone reads the same in German - I'm new to Google
> Groups (and GWT), and posted the message in a wrong group before :(
> I am finished with my last Web App today and in the last weeks
> everythings worked fine.
> Today...when I run the testings in Hosted Mode, all my flextables/
> grids/listBoxItems changed the front-size - it is about 20px now.
> I just clicked around a little bit, tested my application and so
> on...all my other styles are still the same; tablecolors, labelstyles
> (label/textbox font-sizes) ...
> I do not know what I did, that the other sizes changed?
> Now all my implemented applications have the same problem in Hosted
> Mode.
> Does anybody has an idea?
> Thanks in advance for helping

This problem is occurring across several applications? Check the
SHOWCASE application that came with your GWT installation. See if it's
reproducible in an application you didn't write ;)

My guess is that you changed a base CSS style that's common across
HTML table structures, and is reused across several applications. GWT
relies on the "Cascading" feature of CSS.

This is an opportunity to practice your CSS debugging technique on
your development platform.

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