Greetings all,

I am currently building a GWT application that functions entirely
offline (as in, never connects to the internet to update, sync, what
have you). In a normal web application, you can typically run your
application offline just as well as long as you use an application
server that you have deployed your app in and assuming you have local
network access to the application server.

The problem inherent with GWT is that you must use GWT-RPC in order to
call the server from the client side in order to do interesting
things. Normally this would not be a problem, it would just be a
server call and would make use of the local application server, but
GWT insists on having a connection to the internet to make an RPC call
(and I'm having a hard time understanding why this is a good idea).

At any rate, Google's answer to this problem seems to be to use Gears
to stick everything in a database. I've accomplished reasonable
functionality by creating separate java projects that do interesting
things, which access the Gears SQLite database used by my GWT project.
Essentially the GWT project has to stick things into the database, the
other projects have to read these inputs out of the database, perform
magic with them, and then put them back in the database so that the
GWT project can read them again. Unfortunately, this method is
becoming increasingly cumbersome, especially with the limitations of
SQLite and how you can only update so often without the database
locking. Is there a way to "fake" an internet connection for GWT so
that GWT-RPC calls will work offline? Is there a better method?

Thanks very much for your time,

Dominic Holt

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