I dont think that you're looking at your problem right.  For starters
GWT and AppEngine are to totally separate and unrelated things. If you
don't intend to host on AppEngine you probably dont need to develop
with it.

Using RPC's to add lines of text to a file sounds like a really bad
idea. Like everyone else is saying, use a DB.  AppEngine should make
persisting the info to a DB about as simple as it gets. (if you want
to use it)

When you're ready to pull down the user entered code to compile it you
can use an admin GWT page (or a simple servlet) that you would create
to read the text from the DB, and send it down to you so that it can
be compiled.  If you wrote the retrieving component as a servlet then
you could set the page content type to plain/text and write the text
directly to the response which would give you a file save dialog when
you try to retrieve it.

Just my quick though to solving the problem, ymmv.

On Aug 3, 12:04 pm, Sednus <sed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I am trying to make an interface so that students can write
> their code on the web and I can compile it and run it in a computer
> cluster( Parallel Programs)... For them to see the how they work...
> but I've never worked woth stuff like this :s I am really noobie , but
> yes I need to create the file so to compile it and run it, yes its
> something unususal and i don't know what a DB tier is :(
> On Aug 3, 11:38 am, Daniel Jue <teamp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It really has nothing to do with GWT.  You would have a servlet on the
> > serverside that responds to rpc calls, and the servlet would call some file
> > writing command.  (in the simplest, non-refactored way).
> > The file writing part doesn't care where the input came from.
> > As in logging, you won't be able to guarantee what order the data comes in
> > when getting RPC calls.  So multiple commands issued quicky may generate
> > out-of-order text.
> > This said, since you are asking kind of basic questions...
> > Are you absolutely sure you want to write a file on the system?
> > Are you trying to do something unusual?
> > Most people would use a DB tier because it can handle multiple users and
> > updates better, and it's easier to have a timestamp tacked onto the message,
> > where it can be sorted.
> > Cleaning up the filesystem can be a chore.
> > Dealing with the filesystem is a chore. File locking? etc.
> > On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Sednus <sed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Yes, I was planning to run it on my own server... but how do I make
> > > that while still using GWT? is it possible?
> > > On Aug 3, 11:04 am, Daniel Jue <teamp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Sure, you just have to run it on your own server, running jetty or
> > > tomcat,
> > > > etc.
> > > > On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus <sed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
> > > > > it whatever the user types on a text area.... is there any onther way
> > > > > to accomplish this?
> > > > > On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh <jasonpar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.
> > >  You
> > > > > can
> > > > > > store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to 
> > > > > > that
> > > > > data.
> > > > > > jason
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