By overriding the gwtSetup method (http://google-web-
summary.html), I tried to do prep before each test execution. However,
gwtSetup has never been executed before test execution.
I feel strange that I could not to find any discussion about such
simple issue anywhere. Is this happening only me?

Here's the simple test case as an example:
package com.appspot.inetools.newsfetcher.client;


 * GWT JUnit tests must extend GWTTestCase.
public class ValidaterExecuterTest extends GWTTestCase {

   * Must refer to a valid module that sources this class.
  public String getModuleName() {
    return "com.appspot.inetools.newsfetcher.NewsFetcher";

  protected boolean gwtSetupFlag = false;
  protected void gwtSetup() throws Exception {
          gwtSetupFlag = true;
          //fail( "gwtSetup has been called");

   * Add as many tests as you like.
  public void testSimple() {
    assertTrue( gwtSetupFlag);


I launch that test by ValidaterExecuterTest-hosted.launch file on
Eclipse (Galileo or Ganymede).
Expected it to pass, but it fails.

Environment info:
x86 XP SP 3
(Repro on Ganymede too)
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
Framework arguments:  -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product
Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -product
GWT 1.7.0
JUnit3: plugins\org.junit_3.8.2.v20090203-1005\junit.jar

I have been currently working around by putting initialization method
at the beginning of each tests. It's tedious. I like to avoid it. If
someone can provide any info about this issue, I highly appreciate it.


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