How can you wait until after onModuleLoad() has been invoked for an
application in external javascript?

Should be quite a simple matter:
- I have a GWT aplication that publishes a static JS API via JSNI.
- I have a page that uses that API.

I should be able to do this:
<body onload="apiTest();">
<script src="js/NetLoaderAPI/NetLoaderAPI.nocache.js"></script>
function apiTest() {

However, I can't use it, beacause I get an error like this:
"TypeError: window.NetWorkerAPI is undefined"

What? How is there some kind of delay between scripts loaded and run,
and the document ready event?

I have, for reference, compiled in xs mode, so the gwt code is not
being loaded in an external iframe.

ie. The API js is being included directly into the page header,
firebug shows it as:
<script src="http://localhost:8080/js/NetLoaderAPI/

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