projected? I meant project...weird slip there.

On Aug 16, 2:33 pm, darkflame <> wrote:
> The follow basic, projected created in eclipse by the plugin;
> /**
>  * Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>.
>  */
> public class RateoholicTests implements EntryPoint, ValueChangeHandler
> {
>         /**
>          * This is the entry point method.
>          */
>         public void onModuleLoad() {
>                 History.addValueChangeHandler(this);
>                 History.fireCurrentHistoryState();
>         }
>         @Override
>         public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
>                 Window.alert(" Test:"+event.getValue());
>         }
> }
> History does not fire when the token changes in opera, or when the
> user press's the back/forward button.
> It does fire initially.
> Currently tested in Opera beta 10.3 / 10 and 9.64
> You can see an online example here;
> (just change the end of #something to #somethingelse, and you will
> notice history dosnt trigger as you click back/forward)
> Am I setting this up wrong? Or is this a bug/incompatibility?
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