You can read and process the server's response.
In this string your server can write the information your client needs using
text, xml or json and you can parse it using regular expresions, or

SubmitCompleteHandler onSubmitFormCompleteCallback = new
SubmitCompleteHandler() {
        public void onSubmitComplete(SubmitCompleteEvent event) {
            String serverResponse = event.getResults();
            [ here process the response ]

Manolo Carrasco

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Zé Vicente <>wrote:

> Hello all,
> This thread is about the result we get back after we submit a
> FormPanel. I'm using a FormPanel + FileUpload in order to upload
> photos in my GWT app.
> When I submit the form, there is a servlet that takes care of the
> request and saves the image on server side. I also have an object
> called "Image" (from my business model) that is created to represent
> the file just uploaded. This object contains the path of the image, a
> small description and etc. I need to have this object sent back to the
> UI.
> So, what is the best way to get a reference to my object model "Image"
> after form submission? Using FormPanel I am able to provide a handler
> that will give access to the method x.getResults() which returns only
> String generated by my servlet.
> What is your experience with that?
> Regards,
> José Vicente
> >

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