Thanks, Paul.  That explains it.  The guy that originally got us going
on GWT is developing on a Mac.  :-)

Paul Robinson wrote:
> The 'Getting Started' page says you have to use Java5 if you want to use
> hosted mode and you're on a mac.
> I believe that if you're not developing on a mac (or if you are on a mac
> and you use gwt's trunk and OOPHM) then you can use java 6.
> David C. Hicks wrote:
>> I was under the impression that GWT would not work with Java6, anyway. 
>> Did I misinterpret something?  We actually backed ourselves to Java5 for
>> compliance.
>> Paul Robinson wrote:
>>> There's a bug in JDK 1.6.0_14 which causes breakpoints not to work.
>>> Check which JDK version you have. 1.6.0_16 is out and allegedly fixes
>>> this bug.
> >

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