Sorry for the delay in replying to your (Sumit) and Dobes' help.  A
new academic term started and I have been pretty "covered up" ...

  sc> As Dobes mentioned, you can definitely use any hosting service,
  sc> like GoDaddy, to deploy your GWT application. Also as mentioned,
  sc> GWT generates regular JavaScript and HTML files than any hosting
  sc> service provider should be able to handle.

That's kind of what I thought, but wanted to make sure there weren't
any "tricks" at least for deploying a "simple" application on GoDaddy.

  sc> If you're using GWT RPC, you will need a hosting service that
  sc> provides a Java server-side environment, supporting the Servlet
  sc> 2.5 specification.

I believe GoDaddy *does* have Tomcat, but apparently I need to dig
deeper to see if Servlet 2.5 is supported.  Also, it might only be for
their "dedicated server" accounts (which I don't have).

Guess I'll just have to do some "exploratory testing" to really
understand what they provide or don't provide.

Maybe other participants on this mailing list can provide more
GoDaddy-specific info?

  sc> Deploying a GWT Application:

Thanks for the link!

Again, sorry for the delay and thanks for you two taking the time to
reply to my request.


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