Hi All!

I'm new to GWT and I have a little problem. I'm trying to modify one
of Google example apps - the dynamic table witch a school schedule.
The data in the example is generated randomly. I modified it so the
data in the table is from the JDO database. What I want to do is to
modify the code, so the rows in the table will be updated when there
is a change in the database, beacause right now they aren't updating.
Here's the server side application code:

public class RankTableServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
RankTableService {

  private static final Person[] NO_PEOPLE = new Person[0];
  private static final int MAX_PEOPLE = 100;
  private final List<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>();

  Query query;
  List<User> results;
  PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();

  public RankTableServiceImpl() {

  public Person[] getPeople(int startIndex, int maxCount) {
    int peopleCount = people.size();

    int start = startIndex;
    if (start >= peopleCount) {
      return NO_PEOPLE;

    int end = Math.min(startIndex + maxCount, peopleCount);
    if (start == end) {
      return NO_PEOPLE;

    int resultCount = end - start;
    Person[] results = new Person[resultCount];
    for (int from = start, to = 0; to < resultCount; ++from, ++to) {
      results[to] = people.get(from);

    return results;

  protected void onAfterResponseSerialized(String serializedResponse)

  private void generateUserList() {

          int i = 0;
          String login;
          String money;
          User element;
          int cash;

          query = pm.newQuery(User.class);

          results = (List<User>) query.execute();
          Iterator<User> itr = results.iterator();

          Collections.sort(results, new MoneyComparator());

          while (i != results.size())
                  if (i == MAX_PEOPLE) break;

                  Person person = new Person();

                          element = itr.next();

                          login = element.getLogin();
                          cash = element.getMoney();
                          money = Integer.toString(cash);


and the client side applicatin code:

public class RankTableWidget extends Composite {

  public class RankProvider implements DynaTableDataProvider {

    private final RankTableServiceAsync rankService;
    private int lastMaxRows = -1;
    private Person[] lastPeople;
    private int lastStartRow = -1;
    public RankProvider() {

      rankService = (RankTableServiceAsync) GWT.create

      ServiceDefTarget target = (ServiceDefTarget) rankService;

      String moduleRelativeURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "ranktable";

    public void updateRowData(final int startRow, final int maxRows,
        final RowDataAcceptor acceptor) {

      if (startRow == lastStartRow) {
        if (maxRows == lastMaxRows) {
          pushResults(acceptor, startRow, lastPeople);

      rankService.getPeople(startRow, maxRows, new AsyncCallback<Person
        public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

        public void onSuccess(Person[] result) {
          lastStartRow = startRow;
          lastMaxRows = maxRows;
          lastPeople = result;
          pushResults(acceptor, startRow, result);


    private void pushResults(RowDataAcceptor acceptor, int startRow,
        Person[] people) {
      String[][] rows = new String[people.length][];
      for (int i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) {
        Person person = people[i];
        rows[i] = new String[3];
        rows[i][0] = person.getPosition();
        rows[i][1] = person.getLogin();
        rows[i][2] = person.getMoney();
      acceptor.accept(startRow, rows);

  private final RankProvider rankProvider = new RankProvider();
  private final DynaTableWidget dynaTable;

  public RankTableWidget(int visibleRows) {
        String[] columns = new String[] {"Position", "Nick", "Sum"};
        String[] styles = new String[] {"pos", "nick", "sum"};
    dynaTable = new DynaTableWidget(rankProvider, columns, styles,

  protected void onLoad() {

Please tell me, how should I modify the code to make the table update?
I think it's the matter of modifying the getPeople() function so I
don't need to paste the rest of the code (correct me if I'm wrong)

Regards, Przemek

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