Morning David,

I've found that GWT serialization is pretty decent.

500-600 does seem like a lot of objects to be processing in one hit if
performance on a low end server is a concern, but then again 20
seconds seems like an awfully long time too.

What's the performance like in your dev environment?  Are your JVM
settings the same as those on your target server?

What exactly do you mean by "low end server" in terms of CPU and RAM?
Are you able to attach VisualVM that comes with the Sun JDK? This will
quickly give you some clues as whether the process is limited by CPU
or memory.  You can also add a simple filter before the GWT servlet to
give you a very coarse request timing - you can at least then rule out
latencies and bandwidth to your server.

How large are your serialized objects prior to compression?  I think
you can quickly test this by disabling gzip compression in FireFox:

If the uncompressed size is particularly large then memory and
compression time may be the limiting factor.

Finally, what kind of objects are you serialising?  Are you attempting
to send something like Hibernate objects over the wire (or some other
kind of proxied objects) which are causing unexpected database hits?



On Sep 1, 10:19 pm, David Given <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've got an app intended to run on a fairly low-end server, so I've been
> optimising it as hard as possible.
> Right now I've got it to the stage where the biggest bottleneck is the
> GWT server-side serialisation, as it's squirting a large database sync
> over to the client. My app is taking about 300ms to run the business
> logic, 2000ms to construct the delta... and a staggering 20 *seconds* to
> serialise it before sending it to the client. (Numbers approximate as I
> can't insert any instrumentation into the GWT backend.)
> The packet's not very big; 20kB compressed on the wire, as far as I can
> tell, and about 500-600 objects.
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can speed this up? Right
> now the time it takes is unacceptable. Can any alternative serialisation
> system be plugged in, for example?
> - --
> ┌─── ──────────
> │
> │ "People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who
> │ know we don't." --- Bjarne Stroustrup
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> =f4nY
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