>FYI, I'm using UIObject.setVisible(element, true) with the same effect
>but a bit more readable IMO ;-)
Thanks, there are a lot of ways to skin a cat, but 1 line for 3 is a
nice trade off.

>> I've gotten username/password autofill working in Firefox, Chrome,
>> Opera, Safari, but not IE; still trying to figure that out.

>That's most probably because of the following line:

>> parentPanel.add(form);//Moves the form in the DOM

>Try keeping the form where it originally lives in the markup and see
>if it changes something (I bet it does!)

I know its because of that line, but I want the form to show up
there.  I guess, if IE requires that, I'll try a Z-axis and position
move to get it sitting over where I want it to be without adding to my


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