Is there a person that can help me? I can give more information about
the project or i can send with email the project if there is a person
that want help me. I think that the problem is a small problem.

Thank you.

On 7 Set, 16:07, Prosky <> wrote:
> Good morning to all users of the forum;  i have a
> small problem with a gwt project and i hope that you solve it. (sorry
> for the my bad english)
> The Project is constituted by one module that is called "Portal", that
> contain the entry point class, and by another support module that is
> called "Canvas", that not contain another entry point.
> The project is completely but i can't execute him because i don't
> configurate the classpath in the correctly mode.
> Infact during the execution i have this problem:
> [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
> org.unicam.resourceome.web.portal.client.Portal (see associated
> exception for details)
> (TypeError): Property
> or method doesn't support by the object
>  number: -2146827850
>  description: Property or method doesn't support by the object
>         at
> (Native Method)
>         at<init>
> (
>         at
> (
>         at<init>
> (
>         at
> org.unicam.resourceome.web.portal.client.Portal.onModuleLoad
> (
> I think that the problem is in the configuration of the classpath,
> isn't true? I already read the getting started guide and another two
> guide about the correct configuration of the classpath but i dont'
> solve nothing.
> So i put in the last part of the post the xml file of each module, i
> hope that this thing help you.
> The .xml file of module Portal that implements the entry point is
> that:
> <module rename-to='portal'>
>         <inherits name='' />
>         <inherits name='' /
>         <inherits name=""/>
>         <entry-point
> class='org.unicam.resourceome.web.portal.client.Portal' /
> </module>
> The .xml file of module CanvasGraphics without entry point is that:
> <module rename-to='canvasgraphics'>
>         <inherits name='' />
>         <inherits name="" />
>         <replace-with
> class="">
>                 <when-type-is
> class="" />
>         </replace-with>
>         <replace-with
> class="">
>                 <when-type-is
> class="" />
>         </replace-with>
> </module>
> Another strange problem is that the compilation of the project is
> correct, the run of the project in web mode is correct but the running
> and debugging in hosted mode give the error of the frist part of the
> post.
> Can someone help me or suggest the solution?
> If i must give more information about the application is not the
> problem. Thank tou another time for the answer, sorry for this bad
> english.
> Sorry for the bad english, thank you for the answer. Bye.
> Marco.
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